
Use eclipso cloud in your browser

The eclipso cloud consists of two program parts: eclipso Drive and eclipso Photo Album. eclipso Drive is your online storage for files and at the same time photo album for your favourite photos. In essence, you can view the eclipso cloud as your own online hard drive in secure, German data centres, accessible from anywhere and at any time via the Internet.

You can store documents, images and other content directly in your browser in the eclipso cloud and access it with any compatible device with internet access. Uploading is very easy via drag & drop or via the upload manager.


How large can a file be?

A file can be up to 100 MB in size. Larger files should be split or divided.

Preview for images

Individual images can be opened in the browser by double-clicking. The default program that is set for the respective file format on your computer is always used. Several pictures or entire photo albums can be viewed in photo album mode.

Open files in the cloud

Individual files can be opened by double-clicking in the browser. The default program that is set for the respective file format on your computer is always used.

Can files be edited in the cloud?

File names can be renamed, files can be deleted, cut or copied. File contents cannot be edited directly in the cloud. To edit, download the file to your computer, edit it with the appropriate program and then upload it back to the cloud.

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